
Classmate Loyd Adams Obituary

Sadly, we learned that another classmate has passed away.
Let's keep Loyd and his family in our thoughts and prayers.


Mr. Loyd Adams, Jr. 65, died at his residence on Monday, April 13, 2009.
He was a lifetime resident of Ocala, born on July 23, 1943. Mr. Adams
served his country in the U.S. Navy; he then joined the Ocala Police Dept.;
then transferred to the Marion County Sheriff's Dept. as an Investigator
were he retired. He spent his last ten years with the Belleview Police Dept.
Loyd is survived by his son, Loyd "Trey" Adams III and his wife April, Ocala,
daughter, Angel Ziegler, Ocala and her husband Jerry, brother, Hugh
Appleby, Belleview, two grandson, Sean and Loyd IV, and a granddaughter,
Breana. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Marion Sheriff
Foundation, P.O. Box 1987, Ocala, Florida 34478. Arrangements
handled by Neptune Society.

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