
OHS Class of 1962 COOKBOOK!

At a recent slumber party some of our classmates had so much fun it became dangerous.  Why, because they concocted the idea of making a COOKBOOK for our class.  Linda (Cooper) Petteway has a computer program that will create and publish the cookbook, so she volunteered to manage the Cookbook project.

Here is YOUR JOB.  We will need the following from you:

1.  your recipes; as many as you would like
2.  a story or anecdote to go with each recipe
3.  the list of ingredients
4.  directions on how to prepare it
5.  Get the word out to our classmates to email or mail me the above info

You may also send me footnotes, Bible scriptures, quotes, original or not, poetry, etc.

Don't just copy down some recipe you've heard of, the whole idea is that the story will be more fun than the actual recipe. 

Remember, story first, recipe second ... 

So, do you remember going to someone's home back in the 50-60s and eating something special or something you created yourself?  Tie your recipes in with your memories.

Send your stories and recipe's to Linda at ... pettyl@windstream.net

1 comment:

Gloria K said...

I'm confused--I have a lot of recipes and a lot of cooking disasters, but they don't necessarily coincide !! Marsha's not the only one with puzzlements !! HELP !
Gloria K