
1959 - Do you Remember!

Photos taken from the pages of the Ocala Star Banner, March 1st, 1959

Ocala Jr. High Superlatives ...

Best Looking - Jan Davis, Mickey Summers, Sandra Norman and Fletcher Gibson ...

Most Dependable - Elaine Harrell and Doug Moore

Most Intellectual - Linda Roche and Walton Senterfitt

Most likely to Succeed - Kathy Johnston and Pete Nealing

Most Athletic - Sully Sullivan and Ann West

Wittiest - Perry Anderson and Sharon Gates

Biggest Flirts - Jimmy Harrison and Gloria Fugate

Best Personalities - Phillip Arnold and Meta Jane Thomas

Most likely to Blog about this in the future - Brian Voge (not shown)


Voge said...

I just wanted to be the first to make a comment on this post.

MyMarsha said...

Oh, no you don't. I commented earlier, can't remember what it was, but it was good. I am determined I will learn how to do this. I want to say how much I appreciate all you do for our class. Marsha

Michael T. said...

Marsha Marsha Bo Barsha

Has Memories of 1059???
She must be losing her pretty little mind
Twere'nt no bloggin that far back in time!!

sandra scott said...

I TOLD y'all I used to be purty

sandra scott said...

I TOLD y'all I used to be purty

sandra scott said...

Ok brian I fineally noticed message at the top. please don't let the 20 or so same messages from me go thru! thanks, yur friend sandra

Voge said...

If you want a better (bigger) view of any photo on this blog, just double click on them ... Please send me any photos you would like to share!

Gloria K said...

I still can't believe I was voted biggest flirt !! I had completely forgotten this. Where do you find these things ?! You are good Brian!